1. Muy pocos tienen la suerte de lograr un gol asi, le ayudo mucho el aire, pero asi es el futbol, recuerdo que jugando en un torneo, jugamos bajo una tormenta y un aire horrible personalmente le dije al cobrador del corner que lo hiciera hacia la media cancha, por lo fuerte que soplaba el aire y creanmelo, tiro hacia la media cancha y logro un gol olímpico!!!! Saludos….

  2. True,they are always biased,even when Carlos Ruiz scored the awesome goal from 30 yards out against Chicago Fire,saying ‘as a soccer player, you know that all’s you have to do is hit this with pace and the ball is going to naturally dip’ acting like the goal was easy or lucky.The guy also threw in that he had never seen Ruiz kick the ball with his left.I guess they just hire any old douche bag to commentate because a true soccer fan would know that Ruiz has scored 25% of his goals with his left.

  3. que golazoo de este admirable tipo un gran tipo guateamala te apoya felisitaciones Pappa un golazo que jamas loolvidaras nunca guateamala te apoya y toda tuimuca que golazoooooooooooooooo……,

  4. uaaaaaa you’re good man,. MARCO PAPA is Chapin, chapin , chapin, Felicitaaciones.

  5. You guys spelled wind wrong! It’s not m-a-r-c-o p-a-p-p-a, it’s w-i-n-d 😉

  6. Even if i give you the benefit of the doubt, even with the wind it takes skill to use it in you favor to score like that. Whichever way you want to look at it, it was an awesome goal!!!!! Skillfull, give credit where credit is due! He almost scored another one from the other side of the field almost catching the goalie off guard using the wind to be able to reach a shot that far!

  7. Even if i give you the benefit of the doubt, even with the wind it takes skill to use it in you favor to score like that. Whichever way you want to look at it, it was an awesome goal!!!!! Skillfull, give credit where credit is due!

  8. What a golazo!!!!!!!!!! The only thing I lament in this video is the biased Seattle commentators who refuse to give credit where credit is due!!!!!

  9. Oh, you’ve “hit balls like this before”? As in, you’ve scored an Olimpico in the MLS? You obviously know how hard it is to be accurate enough, put that much pace and curve on a ball, and make it hit the back post and go in. Yes there was wind, I watched the match, but that ball wasn’t that high off the ground for the wind to have an overwhelming effect. I don’t care who you support, you should give credit where credit is due.

  10. does anyone on here think he did this intentionally?! It happen quite a lot…..

  11. I play football and I know how to put spin on a ball. I’ve hit balls like this before. Most of the time the keeper will get them and the reason Gspuring didn’t was because the win pushed the ball further than it normally would’ve gone. The “stadium” isn’t an enclosed stadium and if you had watched the game, the commentators mentioned serveral times that the wind was affecting the ball.

  12. you don’t know much when it comes to football, to make this easy for you, as the same way the pitcher throw a ball in a baseball game, the same happen when you hit the ball, depending on the side you hit is the effect that the ball is going to take, besides, they were playing in a stadium, in a regular field like in the park, maybe the wind is going to help.

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